segunda-feira, outubro 25, 2010
Samsung Mobile Code-
samsung mobile code. - - - global code.
*#1234# = Firmware Version.
*#2222# = H/W Version.
*#8999*8376263# = All Versions Together.
*#8999*8378# = Test Menu.
*#4777*8665# = GPSR Tool.
*#8999*523# = LCD Brightness.
*#8999*377# = Error Menu.
*#8999*327# = EEP Menu.
*#8999*667# = Debug Mode.
*#92782# = PhoneModel. (Wap)
#*5737425# = JAVA Mode.
*#2255# = Call List.
*#232337# = Bluetooth MAC Adress.
*#5282837# = Java Version.
#*4773# = Incremental Redundancy.
#*7752# = 8 PSK uplink capability bit.
#*7785# = Reset wakeup & RTK timer cariables/variables.
#*7200# = Tone Generator Mute.
#*3888# = BLUETOOTH Test mode.
#*7828# = Task screen.
#*#8377466# = S/W Version & H/W Version.
#*2562# = Restarts Phone.
#*2565# = No Blocking? General Defense.
#*3353# = General Defense, Code Erased.
#*3837# = Phone Hangs on White screen.
#*3849# = Restarts Phone.
#*3851# = Restarts Phone.
#*3876# = Restarts Phone.
#*7222# = Operation Typ: (Class C GSM)
#*7224# = !!! ERROR !!!
#*7252# = Operation Typ: (Class B GPRS)
#*7271# = CMD: (Not Available)
#*7274# = CMD: (Not Available)
#*7337# = Restarts Phone. (Resets Wap Settings)
#*2787# = CRTP ON/OFF.
#*2886# = AutoAnswer ON/OFF.
#*3737# = L1 AFC.
#*5133# = L1 HO Data.
#*7288# = GPRS Detached/Attached.
#*7287# = GPRS Attached.
#*7666# = White Screen.
#*7693# = Sleep Deactivate/Activate.
#*7284# = L1 HO Data.
#*2256# = Calibration info? (For CMD set DEBUGAUTONOMY in cihard.opt)
#*2286# = Databattery.
#*2527# = GPRS switching set to (Class 4, 8, 9, 10)
#*2679# = Copycat feature Activa/Deactivate.
#*3940# = External looptest 9600 bps.
#*4263# = Handsfree mode Activate/Deactivate.
#*4700# = Please use function 2637.
#*2558# = Time ON.
#*3370# = Same as 4700.
#*3941# = External looptest 115200 bps
#*5176# = L1 Sleep.
#*7462# = SIM Phase.
#*7983# = Voltage/Freq.
#*7986# = Voltage.
#*8466# = Old Time.
#*2255# = Call Failed.
#*5187# = L1C2G trace Activate/Deactivate.
#*5376# = DELETE ALL SMS!!!!.
#*6837# = Official Software Version: (0003000016000702)
#*7524# = KCGPRS: (FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF 07)
#*2337# = Permanent Registration Beep.
#*2474# = Charging Duration.
#*2834# = Audio Path. (Handsfree)
#*3270# = DCS Support Activate/Deactivate.
#*3282# = Data Activate/Deactivate.
#*3476# = EGSM Activate/Deactivate.
#*4760# = GSM Activate/Deactivate.
#*4864# = White Screen.
#*5171# = L1P1.
#*5172# = L1P2.
#*5173# = L1P3.
#*7326# = Accessory.
#*7683# = Sleep variable.
#*8465# = Time in L1.
#*2252# = Current CAL.
#*2836# = AVDDSS Management Activate/Deactivate.
#*3877# = Dump of SPY trace.
#*7728# = RSAV.
#*2677# = Same as 4700.
#*3728# = Time 2 Decod.
#*3725# = B4 last off.
#*7372# = Resetting the time to DPB variables.
#*7732# = Packet flow context bit Activate/Deactivate.
#*6833# = New uplink establishment Activate/Deactivate.
#*3273# = EGPRS multislot. (Class 4, 8, 9, 10)
#*7722# = RLC bitmap compression Activate/Deactivate.
#*2351# = Blinks 1347E201 in RED.
#*4472# = Hysteresis of serving cell: 3 dB
#*2775# = Switch to 2 inner speaker.
#*9270# = Force WBS.
#*7878# = FirstStartup. (0=NO, 1=YES)
#*3757# = DSL UART speed set to. (LOW, HIGH)
#*8726# = Switches USBACM to Normal.
#*8724# = Switches USBACM to Generator mode.
#*8727# = Switches USBACM to Slink mode.
#*8725# = Switches USBACM to Loop-back mode.
#*3838# = Blinks 3D030300 in RED.
#*2077# = GPRS Switch.
#*2027# = GPRS Switch.
#*0227# = GPRS Switch.
#*0277# = GPRS Switch.
#*8370# = Tfs4.0 Test 0.
#*8371# = Tfs4.0 Test 1.
#*8372# = Tfs4.0 Test 2.
#*8373# = Tfs4.0 Test 3.
#*8374# = Tfs4.0 Test 4.
#*8375# = Tfs4.0 Test 5.
#*8376# = Tfs4.0 Test 6.
#*8377# = Tfs4.0 Test 7.
#*8378# = Tfs4.0 Test 8.
#*8379# = Tfs4.0 Test 9.
#*7878# = FirstStartup. (0=NO, 1=YES)
#*3838# = Blinks 3D030300 in RED.
#*2077# = GPRS Switch.
#*2027# = GPRS Switch.
#*0227# = GPRS Switch.
#*0277# = GPRS Switch.
#*22671# = AMR REC START.
#*22672# = Stop AMR REC. (File name: /a/multimedia/sounds/voice list/ENGMODE.amr)
#*22673# = Pause REC.
#*22674# = Resume REC.
#*22675# = AMR Playback.
#*22676# = AMR Stop Play.
#*22677# = Pause Play.
#*22678# = Resume Play.
#*77261# = PCM Rec Req.
#*77262# = Stop PCM Rec.
#*77263# = PCM Playback.
#*77264# = PCM Stop Play.
#*22679# = AMR Get Time.
*#8999*364# = Watchdog ON/OFF.
*#8999*427# = WATCHDOG signal route setup.
*2767*226372# = Camera Reset. (deletes photos)
*2767*3855# = E2P Full Reset.
*2767*2878# = E2P Custom Reset.
*2767*927# = E2P Wap Reset.
*2767*226372# = E2P Camera Reset.
*2767*688# = Reset Mobile TV.
#7263867# = RAM Dump. (On or Off)
samsung mobile code. - - - wap / mms code.
*2767*43927# = Austria WAP Settings.
*2767*420927# = Czech WAP Settings.
*2767*33927# = France WAP Settings.
*2767*49927# = Germany WAP Settings.
*2767*30927# = Greece WAP Settings.
*2767*39927# = Italy WAP Settings.
*2767*31927# = Netherlands WAP Settings.
*2767*351927# = Portugal WAP Settings.
*2767*7927# = Russia WAP Settings.
*2767*34927# = Spain WAP Settings.
*2767*46927# = Sweden WAP Settings.
*2767*44927# = UK WAP Settings.
*2767*380927# = Ukraine WAP Settings.
*2767*73738927# = WAP Settings Reset.
*2767*43667# = Austria MMS Settings.
*2767*420667# = Czech MMS Settings.
*2767*33667# = France MMS Settings.
*2767*49667# = Germany MMS Settings.
*2767*30667# = Greece MMS Settings.
*2767*39667# = Italy MMS Settings.
*2767*31667# = Netherlands MMS Settings.
*2767*351667# = Portugal MMS Settings.
*2767*7667# = Russia MMS Settings.
*2767*34667# = Spain MMS Settings.
*2767*46667# = Sweden MMS Settings.
*2767*44667# = UK MMS Settings.
*2767*380667# = Ukraine MMS Settings.
samsung mobile code. - - - email code.
#*36245# Turns Email TestMenu on.
*2767*22236245# Email EPP set (....)!
*2767*837836245# Email Test Account!
*2767*29536245# Email Test2 Account!
*2767*036245# Email EPP reset!
*2767*136245# Email EPP set (1)!
*2767*736245# Email EPP set (7)!
*2767*3036245# Email...
*2767*3136245# Email...
*2767*3336245# Email...
*2767*3436245# Email...
*2767*3936245# Email...
*2767*4136245# Email...
*2767*4336245# Email...
*2767*4436245# Email...
*2767*4536245# Email...
*2767*4636245# Email...
*2767*4936245# Email...
*2767*6036245# Email...
*2767*6136245# Email...
*2767*6236245# Email...
*2767*6336245# Email...
*2767*6536245# Email...
*2767*6636245# Email...
*2767*8636245# Email...
*2767*85236245# Email...
samsung mobile code. - - - lock code.
*#7465625# = Check the locks.
*7465625*638*Code# = Enables Network lock.
#7465625*638*Code# = Disables Network lock.
*7465625*782*Code# = Enables Subset lock.
#7465625*782*Code# = Disables Subset lock.
*7465625*77*Code# = Enables SP lock.
#7465625*77*Code# = Disables SP lock.
*7465625*27*Code# = Enables CP lock.
#7465625*27*Code# = Disables CP lock.
*7465625*746*Code# = Enables SIM lock.
#7465625*746*Code# = Disables SIM lock.
*7465625*228# = Activa lock ON.
#7465625*228# = Activa lock OFF.
*7465625*28638# = Auto Network lock ON.
#7465625*28638# = Auto Network lock OFF.
*7465625*28782# = Auto subset lock ON.
#7465625*28782# = Auto subset lock OFF.
*7465625*2877# = Auto SP lock ON.
#7465625*2877# = Auto SP lock OFF.
*7465625*2827# = Auto CP lock ON.
#7465625*2827# = Auto CP lock OFF.
*7465625*28746# = Auto SIM lock ON.
#7465625*28746# = Auto SIM lock OFF.
samsung mobile code. - - - sound code.
Samsung phones.
Dial *#6984125*#
Test menu dial *#9072641*# (You need this one i think.)
Click 5 Audio - 2 AP volume config
Now you see zie je 4 things:
1 RCV config
2 EAR config
3 SPK config
4 BTH config
Now you see this:
1 MP volume
2 Keytone volume
3 Ringtone volume
4 Rec volume
5 FM radio volume
6 Camera volume
7 Voice call volume
8 Vt call volume
9 Voice memo volume
( SPK = Speaker )( Ear = Headset )
Tune Headset volume:
*#9072641*# - 2 EAR config - 3 Ringtone volume - Stap 6 tune it to 10
Tune movie volume:
*#9072641*# - 3 SPK config - 3 Ringtone volume - Stap 6 tune it to 10
Note it works but don't forget to type somewhere your old settings.
Samsung Symbian phones.
Dial *#0002*28346#
Now you will have this menu:
Test Audio
1 Voice Call
2 Play Sound
3 Record
4 VT Call
5 FM Radio
6 Back up
Push on 2 or go to Play Sound.
Now you have this list:
1 MP3 LoudSPK
2 MP3 HeadPHN
3 MP4 LoudSPK
4 MP4 HeadPHN
7 KT LoudSPK
8 KT HeadPHN
9 EQ LoudSPK
10 EQ HeadPHN
( Do not go higher than 6db )
Opvoeren Headset sound:
*#0002*28346# - 2 Play Sound - 2 MP3 HeadPHN - HS Gain - number 6.
Opgrade your movie sound:
*#0002*28346# - 2 Play Sound - 3 MP4 LoudSPK - DR Gain - number 6.
High sound by recording I8910
*#0002*28346# - 3 Records – CamcordAMR_AMR - 30 Change to 24.
Note it works but don't forget to type somewhere your old settings.
Samsung Windows Mobile phones.
Dail: *#0002*28346#
Now coms this:
Audio Gain:
Current Parth = XXXXXXXXXX
Music Speaker
Music 4p Earphone
FM Radio Earphone
FM Radio Speaker
Force Speaker
Voice Receiver
Voice Speaker
Voice 4p Earphone
Voice 3p Earphone
Voice Bleutooth (HFP)
Music Bleutooth (HFP)
Music 3p Earphone
TTYFull call
Choos want you want like ''Music Speaker'' and ''Music 4p Earphone''
Do the next things:
Music Speaker
Click on Music Speaker and on Gain.
L1VL2 set to 110
HPG7 set to 1110
L3L7 set to 10
OVL7 set to 00001001
OVR7 set to 00010010
And click on Apply - OK - Than Exit.
Music 4p Earphone
Klik op Music Speaker en dan op Gain.
L1VL2 set to 110
HPG7 set to 1110
L3L7 set to 10
OVL7set to 00001001
OVR7 set to 00010010
And click on Apply - OK - than Exit.
Note it works but don't forget to type somewhere your old settings.
welcome member.
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sexta-feira, outubro 22, 2010
Samsung firmware
Samsung firmware, news and updates.
I found the I5800 firmware to america (Brazil) it worked fine, using this instructions
Actually many firmware are available for each area (Europe, Asia and America). Last firmware version are:
Europe: I5800XWJH2
Asia: I5801DDJG6
America: I5800LVIJG8
All roms use OPS 531 and they can be flashed using ODIN for 5800.
Flashing with ODIN it's very simple (sorry for picture):

1) Select "One Package"
2) Select OPS file for I5800
3) In one package select the firmware that you want to flash.
4) Start
In about two minutes your mobile will be upgrade.
DOWNLOAD ODIN AND OPS FOR I5800 HERE --> All necessary files!
DOWNLOAD I5800/5801 Flashing Tutorial (English) HERE --> Courtesy of
I5800XWJH2 for I5800 EUROPE (August 2010) - CLICK HERE - (password =
I5800XXJI2 for I5800 EUROPE (September 2010) - CLICK HERE - (password =
I5800XWJI4 for I5800 EUROPE (September 2010) - CLICK HERE - (password =
I5801DDJG6 for I5800 ASIA (July 2010) - CLICK HERE - (password =
I5800LVIJG8 for I5800 AMERICA (July 2010) - CLICK HERE - (password =
I5800BOJH1 for I5801 (August 2010) - CLICK HERE - (password =
Fixed I5800XXJI2 Firmware (no memory problems) - Mirror 01 - Mirror 02
* To enable copy protected apps for the new september firmware in market please read this topic
* For I5800 latest firmware (September 2010) read this post:
I found the I5800 firmware to america (Brazil) it worked fine, using this instructions
Actually many firmware are available for each area (Europe, Asia and America). Last firmware version are:
Europe: I5800XWJH2
Asia: I5801DDJG6
America: I5800LVIJG8
All roms use OPS 531 and they can be flashed using ODIN for 5800.
Flashing with ODIN it's very simple (sorry for picture):
1) Select "One Package"
2) Select OPS file for I5800
3) In one package select the firmware that you want to flash.
4) Start
In about two minutes your mobile will be upgrade.
DOWNLOAD ODIN AND OPS FOR I5800 HERE --> All necessary files!
DOWNLOAD I5800/5801 Flashing Tutorial (English) HERE --> Courtesy of
I5800XWJH2 for I5800 EUROPE (August 2010) - CLICK HERE - (password =
I5800XXJI2 for I5800 EUROPE (September 2010) - CLICK HERE - (password =
I5800XWJI4 for I5800 EUROPE (September 2010) - CLICK HERE - (password =
I5801DDJG6 for I5800 ASIA (July 2010) - CLICK HERE - (password =
I5800LVIJG8 for I5800 AMERICA (July 2010) - CLICK HERE - (password =
I5800BOJH1 for I5801 (August 2010) - CLICK HERE - (password =
Fixed I5800XXJI2 Firmware (no memory problems) - Mirror 01 - Mirror 02
* To enable copy protected apps for the new september firmware in market please read this topic
* For I5800 latest firmware (September 2010) read this post:
terça-feira, outubro 19, 2010
segunda-feira, outubro 18, 2010
Guide to Rooting Android 2.1 on a Motorola Droid - Droid Life: A Droid Community Blog
Guide to Rooting Android 2.1 on a Motorola Droid - Droid Life: A Droid Community Blog: "It’s about time we revisit the whole “rooting Android 2.1″ issue since I still seem to get daily questions on whether or not it can be done. In fact, this post will act as the one-stop shop for gaining root access to 2.1 rather than the few posts we have separated throughout the site which are inter-linked and seem to be causing some confusion.
First we need to continue to clarify the rooting process. At this time, 2.1 has not actually been rooted. Let me repeat that: Android 2.1 has NOT been rooted. The process highlighted in this post is simply a way to get you from stock non-rooted 2.1 to a rooted 2.1 ROM. If that doesn’t work for you, then do not proceed with these instructions. There is no way to simply take your current phone /2.1 OS and gain root access to it except through use of the Android SDK which is a different process for another day.
- Sent using Google Toolbar"
First we need to continue to clarify the rooting process. At this time, 2.1 has not actually been rooted. Let me repeat that: Android 2.1 has NOT been rooted. The process highlighted in this post is simply a way to get you from stock non-rooted 2.1 to a rooted 2.1 ROM. If that doesn’t work for you, then do not proceed with these instructions. There is no way to simply take your current phone /2.1 OS and gain root access to it except through use of the Android SDK which is a different process for another day.
- Sent using Google Toolbar"
How To Solve GPS Problem on Samsung Galaxy 5 I5500
How To Solve GPS Problem on Samsung Epic 4G | Gadget News: "Some Epic 4G complains about GPS system on Epic 4G. The complain include how hard they connect to satellite GPS or the inaccurate position information. You can reset Epic 4G for 4-8 times according to the condition, it help you to clear the GPS data cache.
Here are another the simple solution to fix GPS issue on Samsung Epic 4G:
1. Enter *#1472365# in the dialer
2. Tap Setup, select Position Mode, select Starting Mode
3. Change the option from “Hot Start” to “Cold Start”
- Sent using Google Toolbar"
Here are another the simple solution to fix GPS issue on Samsung Epic 4G:
1. Enter *#1472365# in the dialer
2. Tap Setup, select Position Mode, select Starting Mode
3. Change the option from “Hot Start” to “Cold Start”
- Sent using Google Toolbar"
quinta-feira, outubro 14, 2010
Sameer Prabhakar - Mad Ramblings: Samsung I5700 (Galaxy SPICA) Android 2.1 Flashing Guide (Updated)
I guess work for Samsung I5500 Galaxy Europa / Galaxy 5
Sameer Prabhakar - Mad Ramblings: Samsung I5700 (Galaxy SPICA) Android 2.1 Flashing Guide (Updated):
What you need :
The firmware : I570EDDJB2 in my case. (Unreleased Android 2.1 (Eclair) firmware from Samsung).
Multiloader application and Spica OPS (Odin_v4_03.exe + spica.ops) :
*** Please use the new spica_jc3.ops file for the firmwares I5700XXJBA, I570EXXJC3 I570EXXJC5
Drivers for I5700 :
Samsung USB Cable
Before you start :
Backup your data !
Remove the SIM lock if any.
Create a folder and extract all files listed above + the firmware (do not extract the tar file from within the firmware)
Ensure your phones battery is sufficiently charged (and your laptops battery too if you live in a country like ours lol ;-))
Shutdown any service/software which could be using the USB port, especially the Samsung PC suite. - Very Important
Flashing :
Edit : You should probably do a hard reset before you start by punching in the following code on the phone *2767*3855#
1. Shutdown your phone and remove the SDCARD and the SIM
2. Put the phone in 'Download Mode' by pressing Volume Down + Camera + Power button.
Image Courtesy :
3. Connect the Phone to the PC using USB
4. Install drivers using the drv5700 files- A lot of guys are going wrong here. Open your device manager and ensure the two Samsung devices are shown properly before you go ahead.(circled in red) - see image below :
4a. Disconnect phone from the USB. *** (Very Important), thanks to Srikanth Kapa (For all you guys having problems with 'Setup Connection'
5. Open Odin Multi Downloader v4.03.exe and then reconnect the phone, you should see the a COM port number with a yellow background.
6. Select the files as shown in the image below :
Image Courtesy :
If you are using some other firmware and there is only one tar file select Option : One Package and load the file under One Package TAB.
Cross check the files and if you need to change anything click on 'Reset Files' and select files again.
7. Once you are ready hit the START button. DO NOT DISCONNECT the phone until the firmware download completes.
8.Watch the 'Message: window and wait till it shows <1> Close serial port and wait until rebooting.- This usually takes not more than 1-3 minutes.
9. At this point your flashing is complete and the device should be automatically rebooting, once the reboot is complete unplug the USB cable and flick open the Eclair green locking slider ;-)
Congrats !!! Welcome to the delicious ECLAIR club :-)
Issues :
Google Maps seems to be a bit temperamental (Upgraded to ver 4.0.0 from the new 2.1 Market). Phone has hung a couple of times but nothing really serious.
New Features :
Multiple Accounts Support
Exchange Support - No Calendar support or GAL lookup.
Camera now has Scene mode, White balance, Color effect
Search across the device including SMS/MMS
HTML5 Support in the browser.
Live Wallpapers
Refreshed UI
Hopefully Samsung will include pinch and zoom in the final release version :-)
Thanks to the guys at :
Screen Shots :
- Sent using Google Toolbar"
Sameer Prabhakar - Mad Ramblings: Samsung I5700 (Galaxy SPICA) Android 2.1 Flashing Guide (Updated):
What you need :
The firmware : I570EDDJB2 in my case. (Unreleased Android 2.1 (Eclair) firmware from Samsung).
Multiloader application and Spica OPS (Odin_v4_03.exe + spica.ops) :
*** Please use the new spica_jc3.ops file for the firmwares I5700XXJBA, I570EXXJC3 I570EXXJC5
Drivers for I5700 :
Samsung USB Cable
Before you start :
Backup your data !
Remove the SIM lock if any.
Create a folder and extract all files listed above + the firmware (do not extract the tar file from within the firmware)
Ensure your phones battery is sufficiently charged (and your laptops battery too if you live in a country like ours lol ;-))
Shutdown any service/software which could be using the USB port, especially the Samsung PC suite. - Very Important
Flashing :
Edit : You should probably do a hard reset before you start by punching in the following code on the phone *2767*3855#
1. Shutdown your phone and remove the SDCARD and the SIM
2. Put the phone in 'Download Mode' by pressing Volume Down + Camera + Power button.
Image Courtesy :
3. Connect the Phone to the PC using USB
4. Install drivers using the drv5700 files- A lot of guys are going wrong here. Open your device manager and ensure the two Samsung devices are shown properly before you go ahead.(circled in red) - see image below :
4a. Disconnect phone from the USB. *** (Very Important), thanks to Srikanth Kapa (For all you guys having problems with 'Setup Connection'
5. Open Odin Multi Downloader v4.03.exe and then reconnect the phone, you should see the a COM port number with a yellow background.
6. Select the files as shown in the image below :
Image Courtesy :
If you are using some other firmware and there is only one tar file select Option : One Package and load the file under One Package TAB.
Cross check the files and if you need to change anything click on 'Reset Files' and select files again.
7. Once you are ready hit the START button. DO NOT DISCONNECT the phone until the firmware download completes.
8.Watch the 'Message: window and wait till it shows <1> Close serial port and wait until rebooting.- This usually takes not more than 1-3 minutes.
9. At this point your flashing is complete and the device should be automatically rebooting, once the reboot is complete unplug the USB cable and flick open the Eclair green locking slider ;-)
Congrats !!! Welcome to the delicious ECLAIR club :-)
Issues :
Google Maps seems to be a bit temperamental (Upgraded to ver 4.0.0 from the new 2.1 Market). Phone has hung a couple of times but nothing really serious.
New Features :
Multiple Accounts Support
Exchange Support - No Calendar support or GAL lookup.
Camera now has Scene mode, White balance, Color effect
Search across the device including SMS/MMS
HTML5 Support in the browser.
Live Wallpapers
Refreshed UI
Hopefully Samsung will include pinch and zoom in the final release version :-)
Thanks to the guys at :
Screen Shots :
- Sent using Google Toolbar"
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