sexta-feira, agosto 31, 2012

I9300XXDLG4 – Galaxy S III Android 4.1.1 Jelly Bean TEST firmware | SamMobile

I9300XXDLG4 – Galaxy S III Android 4.1.1 Jelly Bean TEST firmware | SamMobile


We Of SamMobile received the first firmware for the Galaxy S III based on Android 4.1.1 Jelly Bean.
This is the first firmware after many rumors about Jelly Bean for the Galaxy S III.
We already tweeted that Samsung is busy with this kind of update.
The update by KIES and OTA (over the air) will start at the end of this month begin next month.
Because there are many die-hard Samsung fans we want to give you the chance to test the first Jelly Bean rom by Samsung.
This is an PRE-RELEASE version so not official from KIES.
We want to give you a BIG warning when you want to test this firmware!
You will lose your warranty so please do not try this when you are not 100% sure!
The firmware: I9300XXDLG4 is based on Android 4.1.1
The build date is July 31 2012.
We have found a few visible changes.- A new clock (in line with JB vanilla) in the notification bar.
- A function called “Dormant mode”
- Google Now is accessed by touching the Google Search widget
- A couple of new Live Wallpapers
- “Palm swipe” lets you take a screenshot
- Reboot into “safe mode” (maybe just in test release)
- There’s probably more new features that we haven’t discovered yet. Please share your findings!
We also had some troubles, for instance the internal SDCARD got formatted and some apps can’t be installed due to problems with smdl2tmp1.asec (which can’t be found at all). These problems could also be local to the specific device. A good suggestion is to make backup of everything prior flash
Inside the download package you only will see the PDA code.
We have no CSC or MODEM file of this firmware. So please make sure you know what you do! It is possible to flash this on a csc and modem from ICS.
You can find the firmware by OPEN Europe in the download section
We reported this firmware with WARNING code because this is a LEAK and not an OFFICIAL KIES release!
ADVICE of SamMobile is wait for 15 days to get the official updates by KIES or OTA!!!!
But for developers this might be the key for a full working rom they are developing.
Flash instructions.
- Make sure to have an ORIGINAL rom before attempting to flash. (could brick if not)
- Unzip the file
- Open Odin 1.85
- Restart phone in download mode (Home+power+vol down)
- Connect phone and wait until you get a yellow sign in Odin
- Add CODE_I9300XXDLG4_11164_REV00_eng_mid_noship.tar.md5 to PDA
- Make sure re-partition NOT ticked
- Start flash, sit back an wait a few minutes.
- Once the phone have booted, you’ll probably get into a boot loop.
- Remove the battery and put it back again.
- Boot into recovery mode (Home+power+vol up)
- Choose to wipe/factory reset. (THIS WILL ERASE ALL OF YOUR DATA!)
- Reboot. and you are good to go! (hopefully)


quinta-feira, agosto 30, 2012

quarta-feira, agosto 29, 2012

What Packages Do I Need? compile asterisk dependencies

What Packages Do I Need?
compile asterisk dependencies

What Packages Do I Need?

Most Asterisk configurations are composed of three main packages : the main Asterisk program (asterisk), the Zapata telephony drivers (zaptel), and the PRI libraries (libpri). If you plan on a pure VoIP network, the only real requirement is the asterisk package, but we recommend installing all three packages; you can choose what modules to activate later. The zaptel drivers are required if you are using analog or digital hardware, or if you’re using the ztdummy driver (discussed later in this chapter) as a timing source. The libpri library is optional unless you’re using ISDN PRI interfaces, and you may save a small amount of RAM if you don’t load it, but we recommend that it be installed in conjunction with the zaptel package for completeness.
In the first edition of this book, we recommended that you install the additional asterisk-sounds package. This was a separate compressed archive that you would download, extract, and then install. As of Asterisk version 1.4.0, there are now two sets of sounds packages: the Core Sound package and the Extra Sound package. Since Asterisk supports several different audio formats, these packages can be obtained in a number of different sound formats, such as G.729 and GSM. The reason for all of the different formats is that Asterisk can use the sound format that requires the least amount of CPU transcode. For example, if you have a lot of connections coming in on VoIP channels that are running GSM, you would want to have the GSM version of the sound files. You can select one or more sound prompt types in the menuselect screen (discussed later in this chapter). We recommend that you install at least one type of sounds file from both the Core Sound package and Extra Sound package menu items. Since we may make use of some of the Extra Sound files throughout this book, we will assume you have at least one of the formats installed.

Linux Package Requirements

To compile Asterisk, you must have the GCC compiler (version 3.x or later) and its dependencies on your system. Asterisk also requires bison, a parser generator program that replaces yacc, and ncurses for CLI functionality. The cryptographic library in Asterisk requires OpenSSL and its development packages.
Zaptel requires libnewt and its development packages for the zttool program (see the section called “Using ztcfg and zttool” later in this chapter). If you’re using PRI interfaces, Zaptel also requires the libpri package (again, even if you aren’t using PRI circuits, we recommend that you install libpri along with zaptel).
If you install the Software Development packages in CentOS, you will have all of these tools. If you are looking to keep things trim, and wish to install the bare minimum to compile Asterisk and its related packages,Table 3.1, “List of packages required to compile libpri, zaptel, and asterisk” will prove useful.
In the following table, the -y switch to the yum application means to answer yes to all prompts, and using it will install the application and all dependencies without prompting you. If this is not what you want, omit the -y switch.
If you just want to install all of the above packages in one go, you can specify more than one package on the command line, e.g.:
# yum install -y gcc ncurses-devel libtermcap-devel [...]
Table 3.1. List of packages required to compile libpri, zaptel, and asterisk
Package nameInstallation commandNoteUsed by
GCC 3.xyum install -y gccRequired to compile zaptel, libpri, and asterisklibpri, zaptel, asterisk
ncurses-develyum install -y ncurses-develRequired by menuselectmenuselect
libtermcap-develyum install -y libtermcap-develRequired by asteriskasterisk
Kernel Development Headersyum install -y kernel-develRequired to compile zaptelzaptel
Kernel Development Headers (SMP)yum install -y kernel-smp-develRequired to compile zaptelzaptel
GCC C++ 3.xyum install -y gcc-c++Required by asteriskasterisk
OpenSSL (optional)yum install -y openssl-develDependency of OSP, IAX2 encryption, res_crypto (RSA key support)asterisk
newt-devel (optional)yum install -y newt-develDependency of zttoolzaptel
zlib-devel (optional)yum install -y zlib-develDependency of DUNDiasterisk
unixODBC; unixODBC-devel (optional)yum install -y unixODBC-develDependency of func_odbc, cdr_odbc, res_config_odbc, res_odbc, ODBC_STORAGEasterisk
libtool (optional; recommended)yum install -y libtoolDependency of ODBC-related modulesasterisk
GNU make (version 3.80 or higher) [a]yum install -y makeRequired to compile zaptel and asteriskasterisk
[aIt is a common problem among new installs on some Linux distriebutons to see GNU make versions of 3.79 or lower. Note that Asterisk will no longer build correctly unless you have at least version 3.80 ofGNU make.

terça-feira, agosto 28, 2012

Digium Free Fax For Asterisk and sendEmail -

Digium Free Fax For Asterisk and sendEmail -
register utility


This is a working example of a digium free fax for asterisk and fax to email implementation for asterisk .

Packages used

Digium Fax for Asterisk (receive faxes)
sendEmail (sending emails) -


Create a Digium account and get a Free fax license key from digium store. Download fax modules(res_fax and res_fax_digium) and register utility from digium site. Extract them and copy the modules(.so files) to /usr/lib/asterisk/modules/. Register and make a license key by running register utility. After registration run " fax show licenses" from asterisk CLI to check the fax license. In this example I’m using fax detection for fax calls. So any fax calls on context voicemenu-custom-1 will be automatically detected and forwarded to fax-rx context. The received tiff file will be converted to pdf and sends as an attachment using sendEmail (perl script to send email)

Be sure to chown -R asterisk:asterisk /var/lib/asterisk or else asterisk can't "see" your newly registered license file.

Configuration files



exten = s,1,NoOp(ePillars_IVR)

exten = s,2,Answer()

exten = s,3,Wait(1)

exten = s,4,Background(IVR)

exten = 0,1,Goto(default,603,1)

exten = fax,1,Goto(fax-rx,receive,1)

exten => receive,1,NoOp(**** FAX RECEIVE ****)
exten => receive,n,Set(GLOBAL(FAXCOUNT)=$[${SHELL(ls -1 /var/www/html/fax/*.tif | wc -l)} +1])
exten => receive,n,Set(FAXCOUNT=${GLOBAL(FAXCOUNT)})
exten => receive,n,Set(FAXFILE=fax-${CALLERID(num)}-${FAXCOUNT}.tif)
exten => receive,n,Set(GLOBAL(LASTFAXCALLERNUM)=${CALLERID(num)})
exten => receive,n,Set(GLOBAL(LASTFAXCALLERNAME)=${CALLERID(name)})
exten => receive,n,NoOp(**** SETTING FAXOPT ****)
exten => receive,n,Set(FAXOPT(ecm)=yes)
exten => receive,n,Set(FAXOPT(headerinfo)=MY FAXBACK RX)
exten => receive,n,Set(FAXOPT(localstationid)=043263110)
exten => receive,n,Set(FAXOPT(maxrate)=14400)
exten => receive,n,Set(FAXOPT(minrate)=2400)
exten => receive,n,NoOp(FAXOPT(ecm) : ${FAXOPT(ecm)})
exten => receive,n,NoOp(FAXOPT(headerinfo) : ${FAXOPT(headerinfo)})
exten => receive,n,NoOp(FAXOPT(localstationid) : ${FAXOPT(localstationid)})
exten => receive,n,NoOp(FAXOPT(maxrate) : ${FAXOPT(maxrate)})
exten => receive,n,NoOp(FAXOPT(minrate) : ${FAXOPT(minrate)})
exten => receive,n,NoOp(**** RECEIVING FAX : ${FAXFILE} ****)
exten => receive,n,ReceiveFAX(/var/www/html/fax/${FAXFILE})
; Hangup! Print FAXOPTs
exten => h,1,NoOp(FAXOPT(ecm) : ${FAXOPT(ecm)})
exten => h,n,NoOp(FAXOPT(filename) : ${FAXOPT(filename)})
exten => h,n,NoOp(FAXOPT(headerinfo) : ${FAXOPT(headerinfo)})
exten => h,n,NoOp(FAXOPT(localstationid) : ${FAXOPT(localstationid)})
exten => h,n,NoOp(FAXOPT(maxrate) : ${FAXOPT(maxrate)})
exten => h,n,NoOp(FAXOPT(minrate) : ${FAXOPT(minrate)})
exten => h,n,NoOp(FAXOPT(pages) : ${FAXOPT(pages)})
exten => h,n,NoOp(FAXOPT(rate) : ${FAXOPT(rate)})
exten => h,n,NoOp(FAXOPT(remotestationid) : ${FAXOPT(remotestationid)})
exten => h,n,NoOp(FAXOPT(resolution) : ${FAXOPT(resolution)})
exten => h,n,NoOp(FAXOPT(status) : ${FAXOPT(status)})
exten => h,n,NoOp(FAXOPT(statusstr) : ${FAXOPT(statusstr)})
exten => h,n,NoOp(FAXOPT(error) : ${FAXOPT(error)})

exten => h,n,Set(PDFCNT=$[ ${SHELL(ls -1 /var/www/html/fax/*.pdf | wc -l)} +1])
exten => h,n,Set(FXN=${CALLERID(num)}-${PDFCNT})
exten => h,n,Set(FAXFILE=/var/www/html/fax/fax-${FXN}.pdf)
exten => h,n,Set(
exten => h,n,Set(EXTNAME=tousername)
exten => h,n,Set(EXTCOMPANY=comapny)
exten => h,n,System(tiff2pdf -o /var/www/html/fax/fax-${FXN}.pdf /var/www/html/fax/fax-${CALLERID(num)}-${FAXCOUNT}.tif)
exten => h,n,System(sleep 3)
exten => h,n,System(sendEmail -f -t "${EXTNAME} <${EXTEMAIL}>" -u You have a FAX -a ${FAXFILE} -m You have a new FAX. Find attached. -s -xu -xp userpassword)

Download sendEmail script

Copy to the asterisk’s /usr/local/bin directory and give execute permission.

cp /usr/local/bin/sendEmail
chmod +x /usr/local/bin/sendEmail

By default all calls will be forwarded to fax receive context. Change according to your needs.,

For a custom FreePBX FAX configuration follow this.

Shyju Kanaprath(shyju at epillars dot com)

terça-feira, agosto 07, 2012

How Do I Permanently Delete Files From My Hard Disk?

2021-06-09 update

Securely erasing a storage device

There's a command-line utility called shred, which overwrites data in a file or a whole device with random bits, making it nearly impossible to recover.

First of all, you need to identify the name of the device.

This might be something like /dev/sdb or /dev/hdb (but not like /dev/sdb1, that's a partition). You can use sudo fdisk -l to list all connected storage devices, and find your external hard drive there.

N.B. Make sure it is the correct device, picking the wrong device will wipe it.

Unmount all currently mounted partitions on that device, if any. Then run the following, replacing /dev/sdX with the name of your device:

sudo shred -v /dev/sdX

This will overwrite all the blocks on the device with random data three times, the -v flag is for verbose and will print the current progress.

You can add the option -nN to only do this N times, to save time on large capacity devices. This might take a while, depending on the size of your external hard drive (I think it takes twenty minutes or so for my 4 GB flash drive).

You can also set all bits to zero after the last iteration by adding the option -z, I prefer to do this.

sudo shred -v -n1 -z /dev/sdX

After this, you would have to repartition the device. The easiest way is to install GParted and use it:

sudo apt-get install gparted
gksu gparted

Choose your device in the upper-right corner list. Then select Device -> Create partition table to create a partition table on the device.

Then add a single partition that uses all of the unallocated space on the device, choosing fat32 as the file system. Apply the changes by click the Apply button (the green checkmark) in the toolbar.


  • Read the manpage for shred online or by typing man shred in the terminal.
  • Beware that some parts of your disk will not be erased - use the drive firmware "SECURE ERASE" command, such as via hdparm, to properly clean off a disk.


How Do I Permanently Delete Files From My Hard Disk? | PCWorld

How Do I Permanently Delete Files From My Hard Disk?

Follow these simple instructions to completely remove files from your drive.

Did you know that when you "delete" files from your computer, they can still remain on your hard disk? In many cases, deleted files can be recovered with little effort because most computer operating systems will only delete links to the data so they no longer appear to you, but the actual data remains on the disk. Getting access to the deleted data is as simple as restoring the links.
This method of deletion is fine for most circumstances--where security is not an issue--but you wouldn't want some people to recover your financial statements or medical records. For sensitive data, you need to make sure that your computer overwrites both the links to the information and the information itself.

Step-by-Step: Using Eraser

To make sure a file is truly gone, a number of tools are available. Eraser is a free and easy-to-use solution that will overwrite your private information with random patterns until the data is no longer recoverable. It works with nearly every version of Windows and offers a number of methods of overwriting your data, including methods approved by the Department of Defense.
Once installed, Eraser integrates nicely into Windows. Whenever you want to securely erase your data, follow these steps.
1. Navigate to the files or folders that you want to securely erase.
2. Right-click on the files and/or folders and an Eraser menu will appear.
3. Highlight and click Erase in the Eraser menu.
Eraser will automatically create the secure erase task and execute it immediately. You will be notified in a popup window when the task is complete and the files are permanently erased.
Eraser has a number of settings and options that you can configure, including securely deleting recycle bin contents and scheduling and automating secure deletion tasks.

Step-by-Step: Using SDelete

For users who don't need graphical interfaces, Microsoft has a downloadable command-line tool called SDelete. Here's how to use this tool.
1. Click Start > Run... , type cmd and press OK or Enter (Return). (Windows Vista and Windows 7 users can just click Start and type cmd in the Windows Search box.)
2. Navigate to where you have SDelete downloaded. For example, if it's located at C:\cmdtools, typecd C:\cmdtools, and press Enter.
3. Now type sdelete <path to file or directory>, and press Enter, where <path to file or directory> is a standard Windows path. For example, to delete C:\mysecuredata.txt, you would type sdelete c:\mysecuredata.txt, and press Enter.
4. Once they're deleted, you will receive confirmation that your files or folders have been permanently deleted, and you're done!
Now that you have the right tools for the job, you can feel confident in knowing that your data has actually been removed from your hard disk and will no longer be recovered by anyone (not even by you).