sábado, outubro 22, 2016

pftop filter specific pattern / example

OpenBSD, Simple and Secure : pftop filter specific pattern

pftop filter example

pftop -f 'src host'


Pftop is a small, curses-based utility for real-time display of active states and rule statistics for pf, the packet filter. for OpenBSD.

Current release pftop-0.7, written and maintained by Can E. Acar.


80 column:
pfTop: Up State 1-3/64, View: default, Order: none

PR   DIR SRC                  DEST                 STATE   AGE   EXP  PKTS BYTES
icmp Out    0:0      9     1     2    96
icmp Out    0:0      9     1     2    96
tcp  In    4:4   4165 86302 25871 9251K

120 column:
pfTop: Up State 1-3/68, View: default, Order: none

PR   DIR SRC                      DEST                              STATE                AGE       EXP     PKTS    BYTES
tcp  In        ESTABLISHED:ESTABLISHED  01:12:52  23:58:55    25873  9473801
tcp  In        ESTABLISHED:ESTABLISHED  00:02:47  24:00:00      193   140803
tcp  In       ESTABLISHED:ESTABLISHED  06:27:26  23:55:31    37249 15556515

For more information read the manual page


The expression filter selects which states will be displayed. It is based
     on the tcpdump filtering language. The following is based on the tcpdump
     manual page, modified for state filtering.

     The filter expression consists of one or more primitives.  Primitives
     usually consist of an id (name or number) preceded by one or more quali-
     fiers.  There are three different kinds of qualifiers:

     type   Specify which kind of address component the id name or number
            refers to.  Possible types are host, net and port.  If there is no
            type qualifier, host is assumed.

     dir    Specify a the address component (src, dest, gateway) that id ap-
            plies. Possible directions are src, dst, gw, src or dst, src and
            dst.  If there is no dir qualifier, src or dst or gw is assumed.

     proto  Restrict the match to a particular protocol.  Possible protocols
            are: ah, carp, esp, icmp, ip, ip6, pfsync, tcp, and udp.  If there
            is no protocol qualifier, all protocols consistent with the type
            are assumed.

     In addition to the above, there are some special primitive keywords that
     don't follow the pattern and arithmetic expressions.  All of these are
     described below.

     More complex filter expressions are built up by using the words and, or,
     and not to combine primitives.

     Allowable primitives are:

     dst host host  True if the IP destination field of the state is host,
                    which may be either an address or a name.

     gw host host   True if the IP gateway field of the state is host.

     src host host  True if the IP source field of the state is host.

     host host      True if either the IP source or destination or gateway of
                    the state is host.  If host is a name with multiple IP ad-
                    dresses, each address will be checked for a match.

     dst net net    True if the IP destination address of the state has a net-
                    work number of net.  net may be either a name from
                    /etc/networks or a network number (see networks(5) for de-

     gw net net     True if the IP gateway address of the state has a network
                    number of net.

     src net net    True if the IP source address of the state has a network
                    number of net.

     net net        True if either the IP source, destination or gateway ad-
                    dress of the state has a network number of net.

                    Any of the above host or net expressions can be prepended
                    with the keywords, ip, or ip6.

     dst port port  True if the packet is IP/TCP or IP/UDP and has a destina-
                    tion port value of port.  The port can be a number or name
                    number or ambiguous name is used, only the port number is

     port port      True if either the source, destination or gateway port of
                    the state is port.

                    Any of the above port expressions can be prepended with
                    the keywords tcp or udp, as in:

                          tcp src port port

                    which matches only TCP states whose source port is port.

     inbound, in    True if the state has an inbound direction.

     outbound, out  True if the state has an outbound direction.

     proto proto    True if the IP protocol type of the state is proto.  proto
                    can be a number or name from protocols(5), such as icmp,
                    udp, or tcp.

     rnr num        True if the state was generated with the rule number in
                    the main ruleset.

     ah, carp esp, icmp, pfsync, tcp, udp
                    Abbreviations for: proto p where p is one of the above

     expr relop expr
                    True if the relation holds, where relop is one of `>',
                    `<', `>=', `<=', `=', `!=', and expr is an arithmetic ex-
                    pression composed of integer constants (expressed in
                    standard C syntax), the normal binary operators (`+', `-',
                    `*', `/', `&', `|'), a length operator, and special state
                    data accessors.

                    The following expressions can be used to access numerical
                    fields inside a state: inp, and outp return input and out-
                    put packet counts.  inb, and outb is for input and output
                    bytes transferred through the state.  age is the seconds
                    since the state is created, and exp is the number of sec-
                    onds left before the state expires.

     Primitives may be combined using a parenthesized group of primitives and
     operators.  Allowable primitives and operators are:

           Negation (``!'' or ``not'')

           Concatenation (``&&'' or ``and'')

           Alternation (``||'' or ``or'')

     Negation has highest precedence.  Alternation and concatenation have
     equal precedence and associate left to right.

     Expression arguments must be passed to pftop as a single argument. Since
     the expression usually contains shell metacharacters, it should be placed
     in quotes.

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